Policy Experts
Southeast Asia and Oceania
Nam Seok Kim | Position | Head of Team | Expertise | Trade, Growth, and Political Economy | Tel | 044-414-1080 | 메일 보내기 |
Meeryung La | Position | Research Fellow | Expertise | Southeast Asia Economy | Tel | 044-414-1054 | 메일 보내기 |
Ina Choi | Position | Research Fellow | Expertise | Southeast Asia/Foreign policy | Tel | 044-414-1049 | 메일 보내기 |
Jaewan Cheong | Position | Principal Researcher | Expertise | Southeast Asian Economy/Mekong River Development/FDI and Industry | Tel | 044-414-1051 | 메일 보내기 |
Jaeho Lee | Position | Principal Researcher | Expertise | ASEAN Studies (Thailand / Indonesia) | Tel | 044-414-1134 | 메일 보내기 |
Mingeum Shin | Position | Senior Researcher | Expertise | Southeast Asian Economy(Philippines, Malaysia) | Tel | 044-414-1169 | 메일 보내기 |
Minlee Shin | Position | Senior Researcher | Expertise | Southeast Asia | Tel | 044-414-1154 | 메일 보내기 |
Nayoun Park | Position | Senior Researcher | Expertise | Southeast Asia | Tel | 044-414-1245 | 메일 보내기 |
Jegook Kim | Position | Senior Researcher | Expertise | Southeast Asia | Tel | 044-414-1039 | 메일 보내기 |
KIM So Eun | Position | Senior Researcher | Expertise | Southeast Asian Economy (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar) | Tel | 044-414-1335 | 메일 보내기 |

Position Head of Team
Telephone 044-414-1080
Expertise Trade, Growth, and Political Economy
- Ph.D., Economics, Syracuse University (2022)
- M.A., Economics, Sogang University (2017)
- B.A., Economics, B.A., Political Science, Sogang University (2015)
- Head, Southeast Asia and Oceania Team, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), 2024 ~ Present
- Associate Research Fellow, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), 2022 ~ Present
[Government Delegate]
- Korea-ASEAN Economic Ministers' Meeting 2023, 2024
- Korea-ASEAN Senior Economic Officials' Meeting 2023, 2024
[Government Task Force (TF)]
- Presidential Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries, and Rural Policy. 「Food Industry Export Promotion TF」, 2024.2

Position Research Fellow
Telephone 044-414-1054
Expertise Southeast Asia Economy
[Key Experience]
- 2015.12 ~ 2016.6 : Research Fellow, Center for Asia and Global Economic Order (SSK), Seoul National University
- 2015.9 ~ 2015.12 : Lecturer, BA, Microeconomics, Myongji University
- 2015.4 ~ 2015.8 : Research assistant, Center for Asia and Global Economic Order (SSK), Seoul National University
- 2014.9 ~ 2015.2 : Visiting Student Research Collaborator (Hosting Professor: Gene Grossman), Princeton University
- 2009.3 ~ 2009.8 : Lecturer, BA, Economics of firms, Sookmyung Women's University
- 2007.8 ~ 2008.8 : Teaching assistant, Department of Economics, Seoul National University
- 2007.9 ~ 2008.1 : Research assistant, Division of Program Evaluation, The National Assembly Budget Office (NABO)
- 2015 Best Paper Award, College of Social Sciences, Seoul National University
[Key Papers]
- “Multi-brand Firms and Brand Acquisition: The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Reallocation of Brand Equity”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Seoul National University, 2015.
- “Vertical Integration for Quality Signaling” (with Jee-Hyeong Park), Seoul Journal of Economics Vol.23 No.4, pp.533-567, 2010.
- “Vertical Integration for Quality Signaling”, M.A. Dissertation, Seoul National University, 2008.

Position Research Fellow
Telephone 044-414-1049
Expertise Southeast Asia/Foreign policy
- Ph.D. Politics, University of Bristol
- M.A. International Studies, Sookmyung Women’s University
- B.A. Mass Communications, Sookmyung Women’s University
- 2019.1 ~ current: Research Fellow, KIEP
- 2018.9 ~ 2018.12: Senior Researcher, Institute for East Asian Studies, Sogang University
- 2017.6 ~ 2018.8: Research Professor, Institute for East Asian Studies, Sogang University
- 2017.3 ~ 2017.6: Lecturer, Sookmyung Women’s University
- 2014.3 ~ 2016.8: Senior Researcher, Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Singapore
- 2010.6 ~ 2011.4: Visiting Fellow, Centre for Strategic International Studies (Jakarta)
- Exploring Urban Perception on Climate Change in Developing Countries, 2024.08
- Korea’s Indo-Pacific Bridge: Charting a Course for ROK-Pacific Islands Partnership, 2023.12
- Australia’s Medium- to Long-term Trade Strategies and Korea-Australia Cooperation Plans, 2023.12
- 50 Years of ROK-Indonesia Partnership: A Vision for Future Development, 2022.12
- Australia’s Strategic Responses to the US-China Rivalry and Implications for Korea, 2022.05
- The ASEAN Community in the Post COVID-19 era: Challenges and Policy Implications, 2021.12
- Exploring Convergence between the New Southern Policy and U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy: From Korea’s Perspective, 2020.12
"ASEAN-ROK Partnership: What's Next After the New Southern Policy?" (2022,.8.11) KIEP Opinions No. 244.
"Australia’s Strategic Responses to the US-China Rivalry and Implications to Korea" (2022.8.1) (co-authored) World Economy Brief 22-30.
"Exploring convergence between the New Southern Policy and U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy: From Korea’s Perspective" (2021.4.8) (co-authored) World Economy Brief 21-19.
"ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) and Korea's New Southern Policy" (2022.3.30) KIEP Opinions No. 183.
"Forging a Partnership between the New Southern Policy and U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy in Southeast Asia." (co-authored) National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Science, 22-06-01
"Evaluation of the New Southern Policy and Directions for Improvement." (co-authored) National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences, 22-20-01

Position Principal Researcher
Telephone 044-414-1051
Expertise Southeast Asian Economy/Mekong River Development/FDI and Industry
- Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, Sung Kyun Kwan University, 2005
- M.A. in Economics, Sung Kyun Kwan University, 1996
- B.A. in Law, Sung Kyun Kwan University, 1991
- 1992.2 ~ Present : Senior Researcher of Southeast and South Asian Team, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
- 1998.7 ~ Present : Current active member of Southeast Asian Team, Korea's Official Pool of Regional Experts (KOPRE) at KIEP
- 2010.12 ~ 2011.6 : Visiting Fellow, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA, Jakarta)
- 2006.9 ~2010.12 : Lecturer in International Studies at Dongguk University
- 2003.10 ~ 2004.5 : Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Kansai
- 2000.7 ~ 2000.12 : Visiting Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS)
[KIEP Publications]
- “ASEAN Integration: Changing Patterns of Trade and Direct Investment within Southeast Asia and Its Implications” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 15-17, KIEP, 2015.12. (in Korean)
- “Localization Strategies in Response to Recent Changes in the Southeast Asian Labor Market Environment” (co-authored), World Economy Brief 15-24, KIEP, 2015.12.
- “Trade Patterns and Determinants of International Specialization Structure between ASEAN and China” (co-authored), World Economy Brief 14-31, KIEP, 2014.9.
- “China's advance into Emerging Markets - A Focus on ASEAN, Latin America and Africa” (co-authored), World Economy Brief 14-15, KIEP, 2014.4.
- “Strategies to Strengthen Industrial Cooperation with Major Emerging Countries in Southeast Asia” (co-authored), World Economy Brief 14-10, KIEP, 2014.3.
- “International Responses to Myanmar’s Transformation” (co-authored), World Economy Brief 14-10, KIEP, 2014.3.
- “China's advance into Emerging Markets and Korea's Response - A Focus on ASEAN, Latin America and Africa” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 13-19, KIEP, 2013.12. (in Korean)
- “Strategies to Strengthen Industrial Cooperation with Major Emerging Countries in Southeast Asia” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 13-22, KIEP, 2013.12. (in Korean)
- “Trade Patterns and Determinants of Vertical and Horizontal Intra-industry trade between ASEAN and China” (co-authored), Studies in Comprehensive Regional Strategies 13-04, KIEP, 2013.12. (in Korean)
- “Korea’s Development Coopera-tion with the Mekong Region” (co-authored), World Economy Brief 13-40, KIEP, 2013.9.
- “Myanmar’s Transformation: International Responses and Implications for Korea” (co-authored), Studies in Comprehensive Regional Strategies 12-02, KIEP, 2012.12. (in Korean)
- “Firm Level Productivity and Survey Results for Korean Firms in Vietnam and Indonesia” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 11-22, KIEP, 2011.12. (in Korean)
- “Comparative Study on Development Cooperation of China, Japan and Korea vis-a-vis Cambodia” (co-authored), Policy References 11-17, KIEP, 2011.12. (in Korean)
- “Effective Implementation of Korea-ASEAN FTA: Trade in Goods” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 09-06, KIEP, 2009.12. (in Korean)
- “Korea's FTA Rules of Origin: Review and Future Strategy” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 08-09, KIEP, 2008.12. (in Korean)
- “Intra-industry Trade between Korea and ASEAN Countries: Components and Basic Material Industry” (co-authored), Policy References 08-02, KIEP, 2008.12. (in Korean)
- “Korea's Mid to Long-term Economic Strategy for the ASEAN” (co-authored), Policy References 07-15, KIEP, 2007.12. (in Korean)
- “Management Survey of Korean Firms in India and Strategies for Localization” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 06-14, KIEP, 2006.12. (in Korean)
- “The Mongolian Economy and Directions for Economic Cooperation with Mongolia” (co-authored), Policy References 06-02, KIEP, 2006.8. (in Korean)
- “Current Economic Situation in the ASEAN + 3 (China, Japan and Korea) and Its Economic Relations with Korea” (co-authored), Policy References 04-03, KIEP, 2004.11. (in Korean)
- “GMS Program: 10 Years Estimation and its Implications” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 03-04, KIEP, 2003.12. (in Korean)
- “Singapore's Strategy towards Knowledge-Based Economy and Its Implications”, Policy Analyses 01-01, KIEP, 2001.12. (in Korean)
- “Foreign Exchange Risk Management: Practices and Policies in Japan, Taiwan and Singapore” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 99-04, KIEP, 1999.12. (in Korean)
- “The Current Status of the Vietnamese Economic Reform and the Economic Outlook”, Policy Analyses 97-02, KIEP, 1997.12. (in Korean)

Position Principal Researcher
Telephone 044-414-1134
Expertise ASEAN Studies (Thailand / Indonesia)
- Seoul National University M.A. in International Studies (Southeast Asia) (2005)
- The Bank of Thailand Visiting Researcher (2007)
- KIEP Researcher of Southeast and South Asian Team (2006.9 ~ Present)
- RoK Mission to ASEAN, Attache(Economics) (2016~2018)
- CSIS, Indonesia, Visiting Researcher(2020)
- depa, Thailand, Visiting Researcher(2020)

Position Senior Researcher
Telephone 044-414-1169
Expertise Southeast Asian Economy(Philippines, Malaysia)
- B.A., Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Thai Studies (2004-2009)
- Teaching Assistant for prof. Jacqueline A. Siapno, Seoul National University (2009~2011)
- Korea's Development Cooperation with the Mekong Region Countries (Co-author, KIEP, 2012. 12. 31)
- Southeast Asian Labor Migration to Korea: Origin-Country Factors and Policy Implications (Co-author, KIEP, 2012. 12. 31)
- Analysis on investment law and regulation of ASEAN countries (Co-author, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2012. 12. 16)
- A Feasibility Study on the FTA between Korea and Malaysia (Co-author, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2012. 08. 31)
- A Study for the Economic Cooperation between Korea and Indonesia from a Long Term Perspective: Focused on Regional Economic Development and Human Resources (Co-author, KIEP, 2011. 12. 30)
- Strategies for Development in the Mekong Region: Thailand, Cambodia, Laos (Co-author, KIEP, 2011. 12. 30)
Position Senior Researcher
Telephone 044-414-1154
Expertise Southeast Asia
- M.A. International Studies, Seoul National University, 2012
- B.A. Economics, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 2010
[KIEP Publications]
- “Urbanization and Economic Development in Southeast Asia” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 15-19, KIEP, 2015.12. (in korean)
- "Localization Strategies in Response to Recent Changes in the Southeast Asian Labor Market Environment" (co-authored), World Economy Brief 15-24, KIEP, 2015.12.
Position Senior Researcher
Telephone 044-414-1245
Expertise Southeast Asia
Position Senior Researcher
Telephone 044-414-1039
Expertise Southeast Asia
- Ph.D/M.A Candidate Economics, University of Seoul, 2015
- B.A. Economics, University of Seoul, 2012
- 2015.6 ~ Present : Researcher, Southeast Asia and Oceania Team, KIEP
[KIEP Publications]
- “ASEAN Integration: Changing Patterns of Trade and Direct Investment within Southeast Asia and Its Implication” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 15-17, KIEP, 2015.12
Position Senior Researcher
Telephone 044-414-1335
Expertise Southeast Asian Economy (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar)