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The 25th Korea-Latin America Business Forum

  • Date2021/12/10
  • Hit2942

The 25th Korea-Latin America Business Forum 1

The 25th Korea-Latin America Business Forum 2

The 25th Korea-Latin America Business Forum 3

The 25th Korea-Latin America Business Forum 4

The 25th Korea-Latin America Business Forum 5

The 25th Korea-Latin America Business Forum 6

The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) held the 25th Korea-Latin America Business Forum at the Shilla Hotel on December 10 (Friday). Marking its 25th anniversary this year, the forum focused on changes in Latin America and re-inspection of the direction of cooperation between South Korea and South America in the post-Corona era, checking the business environment of Latin American countries and seeking strategies for Korean companies to enter each industry.

About 50 people, including Chair Soong-chull Shin of the Korean Council on Latin America & the Caribbean, Mexico's Ambassador to the Republic of Korea Bruno Figueroa and experts from Latin America, people in business from Latin America, and officials from related organizations, were invited to collaborate with Korea.

In a welcoming speech, President Heungchong Kim of KIEP stressed, "The international political and economic order is rapidly changing due to the spread of COVID-19, the U.S.-China conflict, and the reorganization of the global supply chain, but Korea and Latin America can still find opportunities for cooperation."

In the first session, Director John Price of American Market Intelligence presented under the theme of "the Economy of Latin American in the Post-Corona Era." In the second session, Analyst Raquel Jorge of the ELCANO presented under the theme of Digital Transformation on Latin America. In the third session, Professor Sang-seop Ha of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Senior Researcher Mi-sook Park of KIEP, Seoungmin Yoo of KEITI presented under the theme of Responding to Climate Change in Latin America. 

The seminar looked at the digital transformation status and startup innovation ecosystem in Latin America and sought ways to cooperate between Korea and Latin America in the sector. And also, participants discussed in-depth ways to enter the infrastructure market and construction sectors, which are expected to expand investment to promote rapid economic recovery. In particular, this business forum had time to share research results, such as presenting various studies conducted by KIEP.