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2023 APEC Study Centers Consortium Conference (ASCCC)

  • Date2023/11/15
  • Hit1203

2023 APEC Study Centers Consortium Conference (ASCCC) 1

2023 APEC Study Centers Consortium Conference (ASCCC) 2

The "2023 APEC Study Centers Consortium Conference" held at the University of California, Berkeley campus on November 15, 2023, organized by the National Center for APEC Studies of the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), attracted attention. Two research projects were highlighted at the conference: "Impact of Temporary Trade Barriers within APEC: Evidence from Korea" and "(Environmental Non-Tariff Measures and Trade in APEC Member Economies."

The ASCCC, an annual event that brings together academic experts from APEC member economies  to discuss regional issues, was co-hosted by APEC research centers at the University of California, Berkeley, and the State University of New York, Buffalo campus. The conference was divided  into three sessions focusing on trade dynamics, inclusion and resilience, and sustainability and the environment.
Two Korean experts, Professor Seungrae Lee of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and Professor Hea-Jung Hyun from Kyung Hee University, presented their research at the conference. Professor Lee discussed the Impact of Temporary Trade Barriers within APEC: Evidence from Korea. His research analyzed the trade diversion effects on Korean export items subject to anti-dumping tariffs imposed by the United States and China from 2000 to 2019, aiming to examine the interconnectedness among APEC member economies through the analysis of trade remedy measures within APEC.

Professor Hyun presented her research on the Environmental Non-tariff Measures and Trade in APEC member economies. This study focused on the effects of environmental non-tariff measures implemented by 110 importing countries from 2009 to 2020 on the exports of APEC member countries. The study conducted empirical analysis by disaggregating the effects into export market categories and export product characteristics. The results suggest that APEC member countries need continuous policy coordination and technological cooperation to minimize the industrial damage caused by environmental non-tariff measures, taking into account both non-tariff measures and product characteristics.

The United States, APEC Chair in 2023, has set the theme "Creating a Resilient and Sustainable Future for All," with a focus on interconnectedness, innovation, and inclusiveness. The ASCCC sought to explore academic collaboration on this theme and key issues in line with the purpose of the conference.

KIEP  contributes annually to the ASCCC by participating with selected researchers from the APEC Study Series. Their participation aims to identify key APEC policy issues and propose policy alternatives.

- Title: 2023 APEC Study Centers Consortium Conference
- Date: November 15, 2023 (Wednesday), 09:00 AM to 5:00 PM
- Venue: University of California, Berkeley Campus, USA
- Contact: Soyoung Kwak, Senior Researcher of the National Center for APEC Studies (sykwak@kiep.go.kr)