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The 11th Korea-Iran Cooperation Forum

  • Date2023/08/28
  • Hit1534

The 11th Korea-Iran Cooperation Forum 1

The 11th Korea-Iran Cooperation Forum 2

The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), together with the Center of Excellence for International Economics at Isfahan University, the University of Tehran, and the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture, hosted the 11th Korea-Iran Cooperation Forum in Teheran, Iran, on August 28th, 2023.

KIEP has hosted the Korea-Iran Cooperation Forum every year since 2013, and this year's forum focused on "Exploring New Cooperation Opportunities between Korea and Iran: Challenges and Prospects," which addressed the  challenges and opportunities of economic cooperation between the two nations.

The event was attended by domestic Middle East and economic experts such as Deputy President Kwon Hyung Lee of the Center for Area Studies at KIEP, Director Seyed Komail Tayebi of the CEIE at the University of Isfahan, Vice President Ali Mobini Dehkordi of the University of Tehran, Ambassador Kanghyeon Yun of the Republic of Korea to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Member Farzin Fardis from the Board of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture, Senior Principal Business Analyst Sanghyun Seo of POSRI, Chairman Hoessein Tanhaee of IKCC, Professor Hyondo Park of Sogang University, Professor Jae Wook Jung from Sogang University, Dr. Jaichul Heo from KIEP, Partner Ji Young Bae from the Matouk & Bassioun, Dr. Kyung-ha Kim from Korea Eximbank, Professor Saerom Han of Sookmyung Women’s University, Dr. Zahra Zamani from the University of Isfahan, Professor Mohammad Ali Moradi from the University of Tehran, Professor Hashem Aghazadeh from the University of Tehran.

In his opening remarks Deputy President Kwon Hyung Lee said that as geopolitical uncertainties increase, both Korea and Iran recognize the growing need for mutual cooperation. Therefore, he emphasized that cooperation between the two nations should expand beyond trade and industry to encompass new areas such as renewable energy, the maritime economy, the knowledge-based economy, and cultural exchanges.

The first session of the forum revolved around the theme of "New Cooperation Opportunities in Trade and Energy," while the second session focused on the "Challenges and Opportunities in Bilateral Cooperation between Iran and Korea."

- Title: 11th Korea-Iran Cooperation Forum
- Theme: Exploring New Cooperation Opportunities between Korea and Iran
- Date & Time: August 28th, 2023 (Monday) 09:30-16:00
- Venue: Tehran, Iran
- Hosts: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), Center of Excellence for International Economics (CEIE) of University of Isfahan, Tehran University
- Contact: Jieun LEE, Senior Researcher of the Africa and Middle East Team (jnlee22@kiep.go.kr)