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KIEP and CAMR Renew MOU at 18th Korea-China Meeting on Economic Cooperation

  • Date2024/05/16
  • Hit1832

KIEP and CAMR Renew MOU at 18th Korea-China Meeting on Economic Cooperation 1

KIEP and CAMR Renew MOU at 18th Korea-China Meeting on Economic Cooperation 2

KIEP and CAMR Renew MOU at 18th Korea-China Meeting on Economic Cooperation 3

On May 16th, 2024, the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) signed a revised and updated MOU for strengthening the foundation for cooperative research with the Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research (CAMR) at the 18th Korea-China Meeting on Economic Cooperation held by video conference.

At the 18th Korea-China Meeting on Economic Cooperation, the Korean Ministry of Economy and Finance (MOEF) and the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) agreed on cooperation plans for joint research between Korea and China's leading research institutes to seek a developing bilateral relationship in the face of increasing geo-economic uncertainties around the world.

Accordingly, KIEP renewed its MOU with CAMR, with which it has maintained a continuous relationship on research cooperation since signing the MOU in 2004, to expand areas of cooperative research and reinforce joint studies.

The CAMR, a government-affiliated think tank under the Chinese NDRC, supports the government to establish macroeconomic policy by studying the impact of changes in the global economy, trade, investment, and finance on China and China's mid- to long-term economic development strategies.

Deputy Prime Minister of MOEF Choi Sang-mok and Chairman of NDRC Zheng Shanjie, who presided over the 18th meeting, congratulated the KIEP and CAMR on renewing their MOU, which is hoped will contribute to the development of Korea-China economic relations, including the discovery of a joint cooperation agenda between the two countries, and expressed their expectations for joint research in future.

- Title: The 18th Korea-China Meeting on Economic Cooperation (KIEP-CAMR MOU signing ceremony)
- Date & Time: Thursday, May 16, 2024, 18:00-20:00
- Venue: Export-Import Bank of Korea, Seoul / Video Conference 
- Contact: Dr. Jihyun Jung, Research Fellow, China Team (jhjung@kiep.go.kr)