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Korea-Japan Economic Security Dialogue

  • Date2023/02/06
  • Hit1222

Korea-Japan Economic Security Dialogue 1

Korea-Japan Economic Security Dialogue 2

The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) held the "Korea-Japan Economic Security Dialogue" on February 6th, 2023, at Lotte Hotel, Seoul, to discuss the direction of economic security cooperation between the two countries.

This meeting was the third of the 2023 KIEP Economic Security Seminars.

In his opening remarks, President Heungchong Kim of KIEP assessed that despite the existing historical and cultural differences, the relationship between Korea and Japan has grown into a strong and productive partnership driven by the common goal of economic prosperity.

President Kim pointed out that both countries are facing complex challenges such as the recent Indo-Pacific tensions between the U.S. and China, COVID-19, supply chain disruptions, climate change, and the emergence of new technologies and digital economy. He also emphasized that strong cooperation and joint response from both countries are needed to overcome these challenges.

President Kim stressed that expanding economic security cooperation between Korea and Japan, as agreed at the Korea-Japan-U.S. summit at Phnom Penh in November last year, would help create a safer and more prosperous future for both countries and the world. 

The forum was attended by experts from Korea and Japan, including President Heungchong Kim of KIEP, Professor Arata Kuno of the Asia University, Professor Akira Igata of the University of Tokyo, Professor Hideyuki Miura of Kyoto University, Professor Kousuke Saitou of the Sophia University, Head Wonho Yeon of the Economic Security Team at KIEP, Dr. Hyungmin Han of the Economic Security Team at KIEP, Professor Hyo-Young Lee of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy, and Dr. Eunmi Choi of the Asan Institute for Policy Studies.

In the first session, experts from both countries shared the developments in their respective economic policies, followed by the second session, in which the direction of economic cooperation between Korea and Japan was explored, focusing on trade and technology cooperation.

- Title: Korea-Japan Economic Security Dialogue
- Date: February 6, 2023 (Monday), 12:00-17:00
- Venue: Lotte Hotel Seoul
- Host: KIEP
- Contact: Jin Hee Hong, Senior Researcher of Economic Security Team (jhhong@kiep.go.kr)