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National Assembly Member Sungkook Hong Pays Visit to KIEP

  • Date2021/04/16
  • Hit1837

National Assembly Member Sungkook Hong Pays Visit to KIEP 1

National Assembly member Sungkook Hong, a lawmaker of the Democratic Party (constituency of Sejong City), visited the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) to meet with KIEP President Heungchong Kim and discuss pending issues such as the U.S.-China conflict and new trade issues in Korea.

In particular, the meeting produced a consensus that continuous efforts are needed to enable innovative activities in digital and eco-friendly fields to take place constructively in the community.

Congressman Hong emphasized the role of KIEP in the rapidly changing world order and urged to utilize collective intelligence for the local communities and the nation. 

President Kim promised to upgrade KIEP’s operations in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) areas and strengthen its ties with Sejong City, where it is located.
- Title: National Assembly Member Sungkook Hong Pays Visit to KIEP
- Date & Time: April 16th, 2021, 15:40-16:10
- Venue: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy