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[Seminar] Korea-Africa Cooperation: Present and Forward

  • Hit206,223
  • Date&TimeApril 5, 2024 (Fri),13:00–18:00

  • VenueConference Hall, Asiatic Research institute, Korea University
The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) and the Korea University Asiatic Research Institute will be co-hosting a seminar titled ‘Korea-Africa Cooperation: Present and Forward’ on April 5, 2024, at Korea University. 

The seminar will be attended by scholars and professionals from academia, think tanks, foreign services, public offices and the civil society to discuss means of cooperation and partnership amidst global economic and social policy changes. One notable change is the first Korea-Africa Summit, scheduled to be held in June 2024, laying the foundation for a new future through enhanced collaboration and shared growth. 

Given the swiftly evolving landscape, the Korea-Africa Cooperation Seminar, seeks to touch upon the trajectory of economic and development cooperation between Africa and Korea. The first session will focus on economic cooperation in the areas of global value chains, digital transformation and natural resources, whilst the second session will be centered on development cooperation. 

We invite you to take part in this debate and look forward to welcoming you at the seminar.

Details are as follows:

1. Title: Korea-Africa Cooperation: Present and Forward

2. Date & Time: Friday, April 5, 2024,13:00–18:00

3. Venue: Conference Hall, Asiatic Research institute, Korea University

4. Organizers: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), Asiatic Research Institute, Korea University

5. Contact: Dr. Munsu Kang, Associate Research Fellow, Africa, Middle East, and Latin America Team (kangms@kiep.go.kr)
