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[Seminar] Cost-Benefits of the Unification of the Korean Peninsula to Neighboring Countries - U.S., China, Japan and Russia

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We cordially invite you to the seminar "Cost-Benefits of the Unification of the Korean Peninsula to Neighboring Countries - U.S., China, Japan and Russia", which will take place at the Conrad Hotel (Seoul) on September 17th 2014, hosted by the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP).


In this seminar, renowned Korean specialists from the US, China, Japan, and Russia will present their research on how Koreas unification may benefit not only South and North Korea, but also their neighbors, mainly the U.S., China, Japan and Russia, through economic and political cooperation. Korean unification specialists in government, academia and research institutes will also share their insights through in-depth discussion.


We sincerely hope that foreign diplomats and journalists stationed in Korea as well as Korean journalists would also participate and enrich the discussion by sharing their views.


1. Title: Cost-Benefits of the Unification of the Korean Peninsula to Neighboring Countries - U.S., China, Japan and Russia


2. Presenters:

Marcus Noland (Executive Vice President and Director of Studies, Peterson Institute for International Economics)

Kyoji Fukao (Professor, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)

Jinyi Jin (Professor, Dept. of Korean Studies at Peking University)

Alexander Zhebin (Director, Center for Korean Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow)


3. Date and Time: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014, 9:00AM-12:20PM

(Registration begins 8:30 AM)


4. Venue: Grand Ballroom (3F), Conrad Seoul Hotel


5. Organizer: KIEP


6. Please RSVP by 4PM, September 15th, 2014 to Minje Kim by phone (02-3460-1137), email (minjekim@kiep.go.kr)


7. For more information, please contact So Jeong Im (02-3460-1055).


* Registration is free of charge, and English-Korean simultaneous interpretation, lunch and parking will be provided.

