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[환경] Introduction: Thailand in conjuncture

태국 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 발간일 : 2024-10-15 등록일 : 2024-11-08 원문링크

This special issue, “Thailand in Conjuncture,” systematically examines the intricate intersections of phenomena within Thailand. Its primary aim is to reevaluate the diverse dimensions of contemporary Thai society through the analytical lenses of politics, media cultures, beliefs, and marginalized groups, employing the critical term “conjuncture” as expounded by the late Stuart Hall (1932–2014). Hall conceptualized “conjuncture” as a dynamic alignment of various elements, giving rise to moments of change and transformation. This conceptual framework not only underscores the nature of historical events but also elucidates recent occurrences, such as the establishment of a cabinet that has reneged on its promises. Hall’s concept stimulates scholars in cultural studies to delve into the reciprocal shaping of cultural practices, discourses, and representations by the broader social and political context, as articulated by Morley and Chen (Citation1996) and Gilbert (Citation2019). This interdisciplinary exploration encourages a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay shaping contemporary Thai society.

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