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[환경] Institutional dimensions of coral reef restoration in the Philippines

필리핀 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Environmental Science & Policy 발간일 : 2024-03-28 등록일 : 2024-04-04 원문링크

While the Philippines is mostly known for its experiences on marine protected areas, local governments and non-government organizations are increasingly using coral restoration with the aim of rehabilitating degraded reef areas. Since the establishment of artificial reefs in the 1970s, the application, techniques and corresponding policy directives for reef restoration have evolved over time, and restoration has recently generated significant interest and investments from donors and government agencies. As the Philippines does not have a policy framework to support effective and sustainable practices for the use of different coral restoration techniques, the increase and unregulated use of restoration may result in unintended consequences and pose potential challenges to coastal management. To address this gap, we conducted a review of existing coral restoration policies, programs and projects across the country, with a focus on social, economic and governance aspects. The study collated existing published literature and unpublished information on coral restoration in the country, and conducted key informant interviews. The results show that coral restoration continues to increase, and that existing guidelines on coral restoration are poorly implemented and not widely understood among practitioners. While coral restoration projects reported ecological benefits, socio-economic impacts are limited. The evidence supports the need to review existing policies and contextualize coral restoration to contribute to relevant policy decisions about the restoration and protection of reefs.

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