[정책] Building a National Policy for Rare Disease in Brazil
브라질 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Journal of Community Genetics 발간일 : 2024-09-26 등록일 : 2024-10-31 원문링크
Rare diseases (RD) are individually rare, although encompass a significant proportion of the population, affecting not only the individuals but also their families. In Brazil RD is defined by the Ministry of Health as a disorder that affects up to 65 individuals in 100,000, or 1.3 individuals in every 2,000. In this review the environment that led to the publication of a National Policy for Comprehensive Care for People of Rare Disease in 2014, a national plan with the aim to decrease morbidity and mortality of RD, improving the care of people with RD in the public health system are described. The process that finally led to such policy took over a decade, moving forward not only due to technical needs, but having patient organizations as essential actors and advocates. Specialized centers in RD were licensed and, since its publication, 33 centers have been accredited; such process, however, has been slow and concentrated in specific regions and larger cities of the country. Despite the incorporation of genetic tests in 2014 and exome sequencing later in 2020, many genetic tests are not offered by specialized centers, with unequal availability across the country. Public health system in Brazil uses ICD-10 for disease coding, preventing appropriate epidemiologic knowledge of RD in Brazil. Incorporation of new technologies as orphan drugs has been in place and regulation for expedite licensing for new RD drugs were issued, although high cost and availability to RD population has been a challenge.
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