[환경] Carbon stocks in mangrove ecosystems of Sri Lanka: Average contributions and determinants of sequestration potential
스리랑카 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Ocean & Coastal Management 발간일 : 2024-09-01 등록일 : 2024-09-12 원문링크
Mangroves are crucial in carbon sequestration despite covering only a small percentage of the Earth's surface. Latitudinal gradient primarily determines the distribution of climatic zones of distinct sunlight, temperature, and precipitation patterns, which influence the community structure of the mangrove ecosystem. The tropical climate of Sri Lanka contributes to the island's lush mangrove forests. The present study estimated that the average island's carbon sequestration capacity of Sri Lankan mangrove ecosystems is 524.25 t/ha representing a substantial volume of carbon storage that contributes to offset greenhouse effect due to increasing atmospheric CO2. Our results substantiated that rainfall positively influences total carbon sequestration capacity of mangrove ecosystems.
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