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[지역] 한국 이슬람권 이주민의 갈등분석-중아아시아 및 남아시아 무슬림을 중심으로

인도ㆍ남아시아 일반 국내연구자료 기타 이소영, 누르보슨 명지대학교(서울캠퍼스) 인문과학연구소 발간일 : 2014-02-28 등록일 : 2017-06-21 원문링크

This paper analyses religious and consciousness life of Islamic immigrants and attempts to research any experiences about conflict of Islamic immigrants in Korea. There have been conducted interviews with twenty-one Islamic immigrants from Islamic countries from December 2013 until to January 2014 who live in Gwangju. The results of this research are the following: first, tendency of approach of Islamic immigrants about Korean culture is very strong. They came to Korea by labor migration, international marriage process and living by demanding and practicing a religious and consciousness life of Islam. Second, Muslim labor choose a lot tendency of approach than Muslim students, and Muslim students choose a tendency of approach a lot than marriage immigrants. it’s interpreted by their different migrant processes and interaction with Koreans. Third, Islamic immigrants consider islamic culture superiority than Korean culture and Koreans consider own cultural than Islamic culture. And because of that we can say that there is no culture conflict between Islamic and Korean cultures. Fourth, a tendency of approach-avoidance accomplishes by the reality of Islamic immigrants. The paper suggest the cultural interaction should be established to understand cultural developments of Korean and Islamic culture. Cultural exchanges between Islamic immigrants and Korean people also will be actively proceeded. Cultural conflict does not cause a regression of culture, but culture develops constantly through that way. Studying on Islamic culture which represents a Korean multi-culture should be

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