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[환경] EU-Chile Horizons: Climate Justice for a Shared Strategy on Critical Minerals

칠레 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Nordic Journal of European Law 발간일 : 2024-04-01 등록일 : 2024-04-16 원문링크

The European Union has not only raised the need for strategic autonomy, but has also opened itself up to establishing new international relations. One of these relations in the spotlight is Latin America, which has the highest concentration of critical minerals, key, among other things, for the just energy transition of the Union and of Latin America itself. However, the instruments of EU law have become more flexible beyond Mercosur and the prevailing formalism, and a new cycle of relations is being generated. To a large extent, this adaptation can combine new ways of conceptualizing the role of ‘strategic for both parties’, since EU energy autonomy and the idea of public diplomacy, which has manifested itself in cases such as Chilean business diplomacy, are not mutually exclusive. The Chilean case is paradigmatic of this crossroads, as the country inserts itself in the idea of putting the sovereignty of natural resources at the service of new imaginary of development that raises horizons for various facets of climate justice. It will also give way to new aspirations proposing, among other things, the circular economy as a mechanism of climate justice or transformations in EU law.

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