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Transformative Education for an Ideal Society: A Case in Pakistan

파키스탄 국외연구자료 기타 Raazia Hassan Naqvi, Muhammad Ibrar European Journal of Economic and Political Studies 발간일 : 2013-01-01 등록일 : 2016-06-09 원문링크

“Do not stop doing good, even to those who have harmed you. Rather, treat them with humanity and nobility, for harming someone is brutish behavior. Returning evil with evil implies a deficiency in character, returning good for evil is nobility, says Fethullah Gulen in his book “Pearls of Wisdom.” Through the Hizmet Movement, Gülen has envisioned an ideal society, where values like peace, tolerance, brotherhood, respect of others’ thoughts, and human rights prevail as identical to the essence commanded by Islam. He has love for humanity, ethnicity and has promoted inter-cultural dialogues between people of different religions and faiths. Education has been an effective tool for Gülen to disseminate his outlook, which is based on teachings that promote ethical and contemporary interpretations of Islam. The institutions run by educational companies and foundations worldwide as inspired by Gülen do not preach about his teachings, rather, the teachers inspired by him are role models who initiate for change in their students’ educational and social accomplishments. In Pakistan, which has been a victim of the manifestations of fundamentalism in recent years, Gülen-inspired Turkish schools and other collaborating institutions may make considerable contribution to inspiring the youth and the general public by promoting peaceful coexistence through the tongue of education.

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