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[정책] 2021/22 KSP Policy Consultation Report Morocco: Strategy Establishment to Support Digitalization of Moroccan SMEs

아프리카ㆍ 중동 기타 국내연구자료 연구보고서 - 대한무역투자진흥공사 발간일 : 2023-03-09 등록일 : 2023-03-17 원문링크

Chapter 1 Summary
1. Background
2. Purpose and Scope
A. Purpose
B. Scope
C. Expected effects
3. Project Execution
A. Organization
B. Methodology

Chapter 2 Establishment of Strategies to Support Digitization of Moroccan SMEs
1. Introduction
2. Moroccan Economy, Programs and Policies to Support Digitization
A. Smart government – Digital Transformation of the Moroccan Administration
B. Digital ecosystem and innovation – Accelerating the development of Morocco’s digital economy
C. Social inclusion and human development – Bridging the information gap and supporting the digitally underprivileged through digital technology (Technical training and application of innovative technologies)
D. Environment and digital trust - Building an environment necessary for digital success
3. Prior Research and Digital Maturity
A. Prior research and definition
B. Morocco’s digitalization position – Digital maturity and competitiveness
4. Key Contents and Results of the Moroccan Digital Survey
A. Summary of digital maturity, the general survey, and survey results
B. Diamond Model, AHP analysis results
C. AHP (GFI) analysis and results
5. Support Cases for Digitalization of SMEs in Korea
A. Korea’s SME Digitalization Support Act
B. Small and Medium Business Digitalization Support Policy
C. Small Business Digital Support Policy
D. Small Business - DT Case
E. Implications for support policy
F. SME Digitalization Support Performance and Problems
6. Roadmap and Policy Proposals for Digitalization in Morocco
A. Policy configuration for SME digitalization (Menu)
B. Roadmap for Digital Transformation of Moroccan SMEs
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3

Chapter 3 General Guidelines for Digital Transformation of Moroccan SMEs
1. Summary
A. Background and Purpose
B. Review of Existing Research Results
C. Scope of Application
D. Composition and main contents
E. Expected effects
2. Diagnosis of Digital Transformation Level
A. Framework
B. Assessment Area
C. Self-assessment Model
3. Digital Transformation Strategies by Level
A. Digitization
B. Digitalization
C. Digital Transformation

Chapter 4 Establishment of Practical Guide for Digitization of the Small Retail Sector in Morocco
1. Status Analysis
A. Digitalization Progress
B. Document survey on small retail sectors
C. Listening to stakeholders’ opinions
D. The Status of Digitalization in the small retail Sector
E. Implications
2. Experience Sharing
A. Overview
B. Advanced Case Study
C. Early Trial, Errors and Lessons
D. Digitalization achievements from the case of Korea
3. Policy Suggestions
A. Digitalization Direction
B. Digitalization Practical Guide
C. Conclusion

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