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[사회] Pilgrim Badges from Granary Island, Gdańsk, Poland – Proof of Devotion or Abandonment?

폴란드 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Taylor & Francis 발간일 : 2024-12-24 등록일 : 2025-01-10 원문링크

ARTEFACTS ASSOCIATED WITH PILGRIMAGES IN MEDIEVAL TIMES are particular and growing archaeological data. The increase in finds in recent decades in Poland, especially in the city of Gdańsk, yields a more detailed picture of the role of these objects in their time than it has previously been possible to draw. This article presents the relevant data from the recent excavations at the Granary Island in Gdańsk. It includes a presentation of pilgrim badges, along with their geographical distribution, evidence for local manufacture and the range of finds. Special emphasis is given to the significance of these items, since they are widely considered to have a thaumaturgical function. As is evident from the context of such finds in Gdańsk, their significance may be greatly overestimated. As objects associated with social events organised by the local Church, they may in fact have been discarded soon after their purchase.

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