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연구보고서 Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation: Progress in Conceptualization and in Practice 경제협력

저자 공동 발간번호 94-08 자료언어 English 발간일 1994.12.31

원문보기(다운로드:658) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

본 보고서는 동북아시아 경제협력에서 현재 논쟁이 되는 사안을 토론하고, 전망을 제시함으로써 이에 대한 필요성과 합의를 형성하는데 목적이 있다. 본 보고서는 두 부분으로 나뉜다. 첫번째 부분은 동북아시아 나라들과 미국내에 일고 있는 동북아시아 경제협력에 대한 논쟁과 전망을 다루고 있다. 그리고 두만강지역 개발 프로그램이 논의된다. 두번째 부분은 동북아시아 지역에서 현재 진행중인 경제협력 사업을 평가하고 있다. 무역, 외국인투자, 은행, 교통, 통신과 환경 같은 분야별 협력을 위한 미래전망과 더불어 이들의 진보에 대해서도 논의된다.
The purpose of this book is to help build a consensus on the necessity and means to advance Northeast Asian economic cooperation by clarifying the ongoing debates and by suggesting perspectives for those debates.
This book is divided into two parts. The first part is devoted to the debates and viewpoints on Northeast Asian economic cooperation within the Northeast Asian countries themselves and within the U.S. In addition, the Tumen River Area Development Program (TRADP) is discussed separately.
Part two is an assessment of current economic cooperation in Northeast Asia. It discusses the progress made as well as the future prospects for sectoral cooperation, for instance, within trade, foreign investment, banking, transportation, communications and the environment.

Introduction /Jang-Hee Yoo

Part Ⅰ Growing Debates on Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation

1. The Basis, Features and Prospects of Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation
/Shi Min
2. Cooperation and Security of Northeast Asian Nations /Shinichi Ichimura
3. Russian Far East's ?ace in the Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation /Pavel
A. Minakir
4. Opening of North Korea/s Economy /Sang-Kyom Kim
5, South Korea's Position on the Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation
/Chang-Jue Lee
6. U.S. Economic Interests and Understanding of Northeast Asia /Jang-Hee Yoo
7. TRADP: A Mini-Model for Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation? /Icksoo Kim

Part Ⅱ Progress and Perspectives for Sectoral Cooperation

8. Foreign Trade in Northeast Asia /Sooyong Kim & Young-Sun Lee
9. Intra-regional Foreign Direct Investment in Northeast Asia /Si-Joong Kim
10. Financial Cooperation in Northeast Asia /Choug-ryel Bae
11. Transportation Development in Northeast Asia /Il-Soo Jun
12. Telecommunications Cooperation in Northeast Asia /Soo-Seung Lee
13. Current Development in Northeast Asian Environmental Cooperation
/Taek-Whan Han

Summary and Conclusion /Chang-Jae Lee


분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 200
판매가격 5000 원

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