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[보건] Characteristics of sialolithiasis in Israel, a big-data retrospective study of 5100 cases

이스라엘 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Oral Diseases 발간일 : 2024-08-04 등록일 : 2024-09-06 원문링크

Sialoliths are calcified deposits that form in the ducts of salivary glands, leading to a condition called sialolithiasis. This condition creates a blockage that interferes with the normal flow of saliva (Lustmann & Regev, 1990; Marchal & Dulguerov, 2003; Williams, 1999). Symptoms of sialolithiasis can differ, but often present as periodic, abrupt swelling of the afflicted gland before, during, or after eating (often referred to as “mealtime syndrome”), along with symptoms of sialadenitis, an inflammation caused by retrograde infections from the oral cavity (Marchal & Dulguerov, 2003). Sialolithiasis comprises 30% of salivary gland pathologies and is currently thought to present in up to 1.5% of the general population (Lustmann & Regev, 1990; Williams, 1999).

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