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[사회] Contextualizing the Upper Paleolithic of the Armenian Highlands: New data from Solak-1, central Armenia

아르메니아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Science Direct 발간일 : 2025-01-13 등록일 : 2025-01-21 원문링크

As a potential corridor connecting Southwest Asia with western and northern Europe, the Armenian Highlands and southern Caucasus hold great potential for increasing our understanding of Upper Paleolithic behavioral and cultural variability. However, given the dearth of Upper Paleolithic sites, we lack the data necessary to answer basic questions regarding the timing and nature of the Upper Paleolithic in this region. Solak-1 is an open-air site located along the upper Hrazdan Valley (1635 m above sea level) in central Armenia. The site preserves a rich Upper Paleolithic lithic assemblage produced almost exclusively on obsidian and is just the fourth Upper Paleolithic sequence in Armenia. The goal of this study is to present geoarchaeological, chronometric, and technological analyses of the Solak-1 site to integrate the site into the regional Upper Paleolithic sequence. Solak-1 is composed of six lithostratigraphic units (LUs 1–6) comprising recently reworked (LUs 1–2), pedogenically modified (LUs 3–5), and primary (LU 6) loess. A single-grain postinfrared infrared stimulated luminescence date of 27.73 ± 3.63 ka was obtained from LU 4. This age is comparable to regional Middle Upper Paleolithic sites in Armenia and Georgia. Technotypological analyses indicate a lithic assemblage dominated by the production of bladelets and bladelet tools from formal and informal cores. Geochemical sourcing of the obsidian highlights a predominance of local raw material use, with rare transport of artifacts over 185 linear km. These results add an important new datapoint to the Upper Paleolithic record of the Armenian Highlands, offering additional insights into technotypological patterning within this period.

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