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[환경] Biomorphological assessment of Medicago species in Azerbaijan

아제르바이잔 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Springer Nature Link 발간일 : 2025-01-09 등록일 : 2025-01-14 원문링크

The main objective of this work was to clarify the taxonomic composition of the genus Medicago, common in Azerbaijan. In this research, the taxonomic composition, ecological groups, biomorphs, and distributions of the species in the phytocenosis of the genus Medicago were determined. The bioecological study included geobotanical descriptions based on phenological observations and experiments conducted on seedlings in nature during expeditions organized in 2011–2023. Information is provided about the floristic areas to which the origin and center of origin of the species belonging to the genus Medicago in the Azerbaijan flora are associated. Ecological groups were defined based on the relationship of species of the genus to environmental factors. It was determined that the species belonging to the genus Medicago, which is widespread in Azerbaijan, belong to three main ecobiomorphological groups: mesophyte, xerophyte, and mesoxerophyte. Species of the genus are distributed in botanical-geographical regions and found in biotopes with different ecological conditions in situ. A systematic review of the genus was compiled, 51 quantitative/qualitative morphological characters pertaining to the vegetative and reproductive organs of the taxa of the genus were identified and analyzed, and the status and nomenclature of species were clarified. The research established that the genus consists of 17 species and 7 sections. This systematic review can be used to write floras and prepare monographs and textbooks on the genus.

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