[사회] Research on health expenditure in Kazakhstan
카자흐스탄 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Central Asia Observation 발간일 : 2024-04-01 등록일 : 2024-05-03 원문링크
Objective To understand and study Kazakhstan's resource planning and budget allocation in the field of health care through data related to Kazakhstan's health expenditure, to ensure the sustainable development of the health field between China and Kazakhstan, and to promote the medical and health undertakings among countries along the Belt and Road Initiative. Learn from each other's strengths and complement each other's weaknesses to promote cooperation. Methods Using the literature review method and comparative method, the per capita health expenditure in Kazakhstan and the other five Central Asian countries and China from 2001 to 2021 was compared with the proportion of GDP per capita, the proportion of self-pay expenditure in per capita health expenditure, and the total government health expenditure in the country. The proportion of GDP, per capita health expenditure and its proportion to per capita GDP, and the average actual growth average of per capita government health transfer expenditure and self-pay expenditure are compared with each other's medical and health security systems, health expenditures, national health levels and health resources. Results From 2001 to 2021, Kazakhstan's per capita health expenditure accounted for per capita GDP fluctuated between 2% and 4%, while other countries had growth trends of varying degrees. China's growth trend was relatively stable; Kazakhstan's per capita out- of -pocket health expenditure grew on average. The value is the lowest, only 1.05%, and the growth of government health transfer expenditures is at a medium level; the proportion of Kazakhstan's self-pay expenditures in per capita health expenditures and the proportion of total government health expenditures in GDP are also at a medium level. Conclusion (a) Kazakhstan's medical and health security system has certain effectiveness, and China's medical and health security system also has its advantages. There is a need for in-depth cooperation and development between China and Kazakhstan. (b)Kazakhstan needs to maintain a low proportion of per capita health expenditure in per capita GDP. The low growth rate of self-pay health expenditure and the low proportion of self-pay expenditure in per capita health expenditure are conducive to maintaining social equity and social welfare levels. (c)It is necessary for Kazakhstan to increase investment in the health field, promote medical research and innovation, and deepen cooperation in the medical and health field with countries along the "Belt and Road".
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