[정치] Mozambique General Elections Point to Changing Political Dynamics
모잠비크 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - CSIS 발간일 : 2024-10-30 등록일 : 2024-12-05 원문링크
On October 9, 2024, millions of Mozambicans gathered at polling stations across the country to cast their ballot for the president, the Assembly of the Republic (Mozambique’s national assembly), and the provincial government. The international and domestic observer missions who attended this exercise have reported on issues during the campaign and election process that will likely undermine public confidence in the credibility of the vote results, such as ballot box stuffing, intimidation, and questionable vote counting. Opposition parties have amplified these concerns with statements to the media with claims that the ruling FRELIMO party committed fraud and plans to challenge the results when they are made official. Allegations of irregularities have characterized virtually every election in Mozambique’s history, at times contributing to instability, but in more recent years seemingly quietly resolved.
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