[경제] Mongolia Jobs Diagnostic : More Vibrant and Inclusive - Labor Markets for Economic Recovery and Diversification Background Paper
몽골 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2024-06-14 등록일 : 2024-06-21 원문링크
This paper analyzes Mongolia's active labor market policies, social insurance system, and vocational training programs, focusing on their support for vulnerable groups. Drawing on desk research and stakeholder interviews, the analysis reveals that Mongolia offers a wide range of employment promotion measures, but their impact is limited by unstable funding, restricted reach, and inadequate monitoring. Similarly, vocational training programs tend to be brief and poorly aligned with labor market needs. Unemployment insurance, while available, has limited coverage, strict eligibility criteria, and insufficient benefit levels. To address these shortcomings, the paper concludes with policy recommendations aimed at strengthening Mongolia's active labor market policies, improving social protection for workers, and enhancing the effectiveness of vocational training programs.
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