[외교/안보] Moldova’s Fate Is Tied to Ukraine’s: Now Is the Time for the West to “Go Big” on Moldova
몰도바 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - CSIS 발간일 : 2024-06-14 등록일 : 2024-06-14 원문링크
Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, a stark manifestation of post–Cold War tensions, has had a dramatic impact on Europe’s security and political landscape. Moldova, a small country sandwiched between Ukraine and Romania, is at a historic crossroads. With a pro-Western government in power and a highly capable president at its helm, Moldova is poised for European integration but imperiled by its historic linkages with Russia and its proximity to the ongoing war in Ukraine.
While Ukraine defends itself against a full-fledged Russian military invasion, Moldova is confronting a parallel Russian “hybrid war” that aims to destabilize the regime of President Maia Sandu and torpedo the country’s prospective alignment with the West. The political futures of both countries are now intertwined: Moldova’s independence will ultimately rely on Ukraine’s ability to withstand Russia’s kinetic aggression, and Ukraine’s chances of victory and post-war stability increase with the assurance of a resilient and reliable partner in Moldova.
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