[경제] Financial Mechanisms to Ensure Innovative Development
아제르바이잔 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - SSRN 발간일 : 2024-04-29 등록일 : 2024-05-03 원문링크
The article reflects the assessment of the financial condition of innovative economic development in Azerbaijan and the improvement of financing mechanisms. Because fiscal policy as a method of financial regulation of the economy contains important economic tools such as taxation and public spending it is extremely important in the implementation of innovation policy.
Investment is an important factor in economic growth and the increasing investment potential in the country has a positive effect on economic growth. On the other hand, high demand encourages companies to increase production and investment.
The article states that in addition to long-term tasks, current issues need to be addressed within the framework of investment policy. This requires stabilization of the investment level and the creation of a stable macroeconomic environment, low inflation, balanced foreign trade and optimal real interest rates.
The article shows that innovative economic activity is a key condition for the development of competitiveness, productivity and efficiency at the regional, national or international level, and that labor savings in production depend on the labor costs of science in its field. This dependence determines the objective need for the formation of socially necessary expenditures in the field of science.
In order to study the fiscal mechanisms of the innovative economy, the structure of expenditures on science, technology, creation, maintenance and improvement of e-government as capital expenditures in the country was studied, new approaches to increase their economic efficiency were studied and research was conducted.
Clarifications are being made on new mechanisms for ensuring investment in innovative development, and the factors determining the country's innovative economic development are being comprehensively studied. A number of indicators related to innovative development in Azerbaijan using statistical and empirical methods were evaluated, and suggestions were made for the interpretation of the results.
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