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[정치외교] Analysis and Implications of Armed Activities by African Extremist Groups

아프리카ㆍ 중동 일반 국내연구자료 연구보고서 김동석 외교안보연구소 발간일 : 2015-09-08 등록일 : 2019-06-14 원문링크

[IFANS Brief 2015-22]

Analysis and Implications of Armed Activities by African Extremist Groups

- KIM Dong-suk

1. Introduction to the Problem

2. Overview of Islamic Extremist Activities in Africa

2-1. Origins of Armed Groups and Their Objectives

2-2. Connections with Al-Qaeda

2-3. Patterns of Armed Activities

3. Root Causes of the Spread of African Extremist Attacks

3-1. Geographical Location and Governments’ Inability to Control Borders and Territories

3-2. Inflow of Radical Islam and Dissatisfaction of Alienated Ethnic Groups

3-3. Climate Change

3-4. Clash of Civilizations

3-5. Procurement of Abundant Funds

4. Responses to and Prospects for Armed African Extremist Activities

4-1. Responses from Africa

4-2. Responses from the United States and France

4-3. Prospects for the Future

5. Policy Considerations for Korea

5-1. Importance of Diplomacy with the Sahel

5-2. Policy Alternatives


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