APEC Study Series KIEP Opinions
World Economy Brief
Jione JUNG
Towards Strategic ODA: Policy Recommendations for Improving Korea’s ODA Sy..
This brief explores the concept of strategic ODA as used in Korea's international development cooperation policy documents. We will also investigate experts' opinions in international development cooperation in Korea regarding str..
Jione JUNG 작성일 2024.05.02 조회수 5,099
Paris Agreement Article 6 and Implications for Korea’s NDC Implementation
Korea plans to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement as a complementary measure to its domestic mitigation efforts. There is an urgent need to establish a plan to promote international emission reduction..
Jione Jung 작성일 2023.11.02 조회수 8,638
Korea as an OECD DAC Member: 10-Year Achievements and Way Forward
A decade has passed since Korea joined the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) as its 24th member in 2010. The total volume of Korea’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) is approximately 2.2 billion USD, and has double..
Jione Jung and Aila Yoo 작성일 2021.03.18 조회수 4,847
Integrating Climate Change into Development Cooperation – Korea's Expe..
Korea has reached milestones in development cooperation over the past two decades. At the same time, it has sought for various measures to better incorporate climate consideration in its cooperation activities. However, a number o..
Jione JUNG and Jihei SONG 작성일 2020.08.03 조회수 6,642
Mobilizing Finance for SDGs: Issues and Policy Implication
In the changing landscape of development finance, the strategy for providing financial flows to developing countries needs to be diversified by the income level of partner countries. For middle-income countries, it is more importa..
Jione Jung 외 작성일 2019.07.11 조회수 4,673
Green Climate Fund, Pursuing Country Ownership
Four years ago in Cancun, the parties to the UNFCCC gathered around for two major decisions. To support developing countries in responding to climate change, the parties agreed to scale up climate finance to 100 billion dollars pe..
Jione Jung and Jihei Song 작성일 2015.01.09 조회수 6,605
Designing New Climate Regime: An Integrated Solution with Mitigation and Finance..
The aim of this research is to shed a light on the importance of “integrated mechanism” and to lay out some theoretical and logical foundations that may help to design key mechanisms in a more integrated way
Jeongmeen Suh 외 작성일 2013.07.26 조회수 4,747
The Least Developed Countries: Key Challenges and the Way Forward for Korea’s D..
This paper attempts to identify the main development challenges facing LDCs and provides policy recommendations for South Korea as an emerging donor; to enhance its cooperation with LDCs in terms of aid, trade, debt relief, and cl..
Yul Kwon 외 작성일 2013.06.17 조회수 5,371
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