World Economy Brief KIEP Staff Papers
KIEP Opinions
CHOI Jangho
Economic Opportunities Amid Improving Inter-Korean Relations and Denuclearizatio..
Summit diplomacy to resolve the denuclearization issue of North Korea is proceeding at a breathtaking pace. The progress we are seeing in the denuclearization talks is leading to hopeful anticipation among North Koreas neighbors f..
CHOI Jangho 작성일 2018.06.12 조회수 5,649
Strengthening Complementary Textile Production System between North Korea and Ch..
Recently, the diving price of minerals and metals in the international market and slower economic growth of China have brought structural changes in trade between North Korea and China. The interesting feature of this change is in..
CHOI Jangho 작성일 2015.07.31 조회수 3,958
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