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World Economy Brief



Korea-China FTA in Its First Year and Effectuation

On 20 December 2015, the Korea-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA) entered into force. The Korea-China FTA would have a positive impact for both economies welfare in the long run. However, it must be pointed out that in the short run, trade flows between Korea and China might be affected by external/internal economic forces such as the recent global trade slowdown, and weak domestic economic growth and non-tariff barriers. Thus, it might be impetuous and too early to assess the economic impact on the Korean and Chinese economies just a year after the Korea-China FTA was entered into effect. Nevertheless, it would be worth examining changes that have occurred at first anniversary and exploring ways to enhance the Korea-China FTA.

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공공누리 OPEN / 공공저작물 자유이용허락 - 출처표시, 상업용금지, 변경금지 공공저작물 자유이용허락 표시기준 (공공누리, KOGL) 제4유형

대외경제정책연구원의 본 공공저작물은 "공공누리 제4유형 : 출처표시 + 상업적 금지 + 변경금지” 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다. 저작권정책 참조

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