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Korea-Africa Cooperation Seminar: Present and Forward

  • Date2024/04/05
  • Hit3837

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The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), together with the Korea University Asiatic Research Institute, hosted the ‘Korea Africa Cooperation Seminar: Present and Forward’ at Korea University on April 5th, 2024.

The seminar was attended by Dr. Hyuk Yoo, Executive Vice President for Research at Korea University, Dr. Jin-Han Lee, Dean of the Asiatic Research Institute of Korea University, Dr. Sungil Kwak, Executive Director of KIEP and Mr. Kwang-Yong Jung, Deputy Director General of the African and Middle Eastern Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In his keynote speech, Mr. Jung accentuated the importance of the first Korea-Africa Summit scheduled to be held in June. He detailed the seven areas of cooperation to be discussed at the summit as trade and investment, global challenges, sustainable energy and infrastructure, human development, science/technology and digital transformation, the exchange of people, and peace and security. He also emphasized the need for a mutually reciprocal partnership and long-term strategic relationship with Africa.

The first session touched upon the issues of intra-trade growth, industry diversification, digital cooperation, as well as an analysis of Korea’s current trade structure and future trade partnership with mineral exporting African countries. The second session reviewed Korea’s development cooperation projects in the areas of education and health, especially in light of Ethiopia’s recent admission to BRICS as well as the gradual expansion of the AfCFTA.

Subsequent debates were led by Mr. Hibteslachew Aschalew Tassew from the Ethiopian Embassy to the Republic of Korea, Dr. Abdellah Achach, Economic Counselor of the Moroccan Embassy to the Republic of Korea, Dr. Doo Young Choi from the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Dr. Kyung Ha Kim from the Korea Exim Bank, Mr. Sun Chul Hong of the Africa Future Foundation, and Dr. Munsu Kang of KIEP, and were received with discussions from the attending participants from academia and the private and public sectors.

- Title: Korea-Africa Cooperation Seminar: Present and Forward
- Date & Time: Friday, April 5, 2024, 13:00–18:00
- Venue: Korea University, Seoul
- Co-hosts: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), Korea University Asiatic Research Institute
- Contact: Dr. Munsu Kang, Associate Research Fellow, Africa, Middle East and Latin America Team (kangms@kiep.go.kr)