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2023 Korea's Allied Economic Associations Annual Meeting

  • Date2023/02/03
  • Hit1171

2023 Korea's Allied Economic Associations Annual Meeting 1

2023 Korea's Allied Economic Associations Annual Meeting 2

The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) co-hosted the second session of the 2023 Korea's Allied Economic Associations Annual Meeting, in collaboration with the Korea International Economic Association (KIEA), under the theme of "Will Economic Security Change the Global Economic Paradigm?" at Korea University, 2 p.m. on February 3, 2023.

Held from February 2nd to the 3rd, the Korea's Allied Economic Associations Annual Meeting is one of the largest academic conferences in the field of economics. This year, the first plenary session dealt with the theme of "Recent Changes in the Korean Labor Market and New Evaluation Method of Labor Market Policy," and the second plenary session discussed the subject of "Will Economic Security Change the Global Economic Paradigm?".

The forum opened with remarks by President Sungjin Kang of the Korea International Economic Association (KIEA), and Vice Chairman In-ho Lee of the National Economic Advisory Council offered his congratulatory remarks. President Heungchong Kim of KIEP delivered a keynote speech under the theme of "Will Economic Security Change the Global Economic Paradigm?".

President Kim diagnosed that the global trend of globalization has been slowing down following global economic crises, and saw the rise of economic security issues as a phenomenon that clearly represents this fundamental change in the global economic paradigm.

Also, President Kim explained that the proportion of commodity trade in GDP has decreased, while the rise in income inequality and geopolitical conflict has brought economic security issues to the front, and argued that we need to establish a form of “re-globalization” centered on soft power and service industries.

In addition, President Kim suggested contributing to the formation of a multi-layered cooperative network based on Korea's advanced technology and soft power, and also stressed that Korea, as a global hub, should contribute to fair rules-setting and the restoration of a free market order.

In the following panel discussion, hosted by Professor Geun Lee of Seoul National University, a comprehensive discussion was held on the presentations and discussions of the previous session, between Senior Research Fellow Hyun Jae Kim of the Korea Energy Economics Institute (KEEI), Professor Se Hyun Ahn at the University of Seoul, Senior Research Fellow Kye-hwan Kim of the Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade (KIET), Professor Jungsoo Park of Sogang University, and Professor Shin-wha Lee of Korea University.

- Title: 2023 Korea's Allied Economic Associations Annual Meeting
- Theme: Will economic security change the global economic paradigm?
- Date & Time: Feb. 3 (Fri.), 2023, 14:00-16:30
- Venue: Korea University
- Host: KIEP, KIEA
- Contact: Won Seok Choi, Associate Research Fellow of Economic Security Team (wschoi@kiep.go.kr)