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[KIEP Newsletter Vol.12 No.2] India’s Service Sector: New Areas for Future Cooperation / China's Trade Strategies and Korea-China Cooperation Plans

  • 작성일2024/01/26
  • 조회수1,349


VOL.12 · NO.2 · 2024.1.26


  • China’s Trade Strategies and Korea-China Cooperation Plans

    Seung Shin Lee, Sang Baek Hyun, Su Yeob Na and Young Sun Kim / World Economy Brief 24-02

    As uncertainties in the global trade environment expand, China's trade strategy is changing, and these changes are expected to have a significant impact on our trade environment with China. This paper analyzed China's policies on new trade issues such as supply chain reorganization, digital trade, climate...

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  • India’s Service Sector: New Areas for Future Cooperation

    Hyoungmin Han / World Economy Brief 24-01

    Given the growing significance of the Indo-Pacific region, the strategic importance of India is on the rise. With its considerable population and economic potential, India offers many opportunities for cooperation in various sectors. However, past cooperation between Korea and India has...

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  • Taiwan’s Election and the Outlook for Cross-Strait
    Relations / Wonho Yeon

    "With increasing power comes increasing responsibilities." This is what former U.S. President Obama called on China in 2016. To me, this sounds like China's rise as a great power may expose it to new challenges that it did not have to face before. The internationalization of the...

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  • KIEP Awards the 21st EAER Best Paper of the Year (1/15)

    The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) has selected "Policy-Based Loans to Korean SME Exporters and the Intensive Margin of Exports", authored by...

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East Asian Economic Review
Vol.27, No.4 (2023)

The Impacts of Climate Variability on Household Consumption: Evidence Based on Village Weather Data in Indonesia

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The Ebb and Flow of Regional Integration Vision in Asia-Pacific: From A Lens of Leaders’ Declarations over 30 Years

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Business Cycle Synchronization between the European Union and Korea

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The Effects of Policy Funds on the Investment and Management Stabilization Financing of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises

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