APEC Study Series KIEP Opinions
World Economy Brief
전체 448건 페이지 45/45
China-Taiwan ECFA Investment Agreement and its Implicatons for the Korea-China FTA Negotiations
Jina Yeo 작성일 2012.12.31 조회수 5,454
Effects of U.S. Unconventional Monetary Policy and Implications for QE3
Dong-Eun Rhee 작성일 2012.12.12 조회수 5,220
Recent Trends in Global Protectionism and Implications for Korea’s Trade Policy and Strategy
Chul Chung et al. 작성일 2012.11.08 조회수 6,164
20 Years of the Korea-China Economic Relationship: Retrospect and Prospect
PilSoo Choi 외 작성일 2012.10.15 조회수 5,860
The First Year after the Korea-EU FTA and Its Prospects
Yoo-Duk Kang 작성일 2012.09.28 조회수 5,244
Two Years On: Achievements and Challenges in Trade Sector of Korea-India CEPA
Woong Lee 외 작성일 2011.12.08 조회수 6,526
The Prospect and Transmission Dynamics of China’s Inflation to Korea
Young-Joon Park 외 작성일 2011.05.20 조회수 8,054
Impact of Japan’s Earthquake on East Asia’s Production Network
PilSoo Choi 외 작성일 2011.05.13 조회수 6,356
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