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[KIEP WebZine] 주요경제 동향자료 : Critical Connections : Promoting Economic Growth and Resilience in Europe and Central Asia (No. 32)

  • 작성일2018/09/17
  • 조회수735
주요경제 동향자료
No. 32
2018. 9. 16


주제별 이슈

글로벌 금융위기 10년 : 10대 변화와 평가 / 국제금융센터
Capital flows to emerging market and developing economies / GDI
Dollarization and Financial Development / IMF
Economic Growth, Environment and Privatisation / ISIS
Financial Stability Implications of Increasing Interest Rates / CEPS
Fintech, Inclusive Growth and Cyber Risks: Focus on the MENAP and CCA Regions / IMF
International Spillovers and Ex-ante Efficient Bailouts / NBER
The real effects of the financial crisis / Brookings
The Role of Expectations in Changed Inflation Dynamics / FRB
Stagnation Traps in an Open Economy / RIETI
Digital vulnerability and the local performance of firms in developing and transition ... / FERDI
Do Global Value Chains Amplify Global Imbalances? / CEPII
Global market structures and the high price of protectionism / BIS
Global Value Chain Policy Series: Gender / WEF
In Search of an Effective Trade Policy for the Film Industry: Lessons from Korea / ECIPE
Living with Lower Productivity Growth: Impact on Exports / PIIE
New Industrial Revolution: Upgrading Trade and Investment Frameworks for ... / ICTSD
Trump Abolishes NAFTA! Or Maybe Not… / PIIE
U.S.-China trade war has its seeds in the financial crisis / Brookings
美国贸易战历史回顾:擅长多维立体贸易战 / IWEP
電子商取引協定、サービス貿易協定の交渉などで前進 -第50回ASEAN経済大臣会議の成果 / ITI
EU 韓国自由貿易協定(FTA)原産地証明制度をめぐる運用上の論点 / JETRO
북한의 무역, 양적 성장만으로 충분한가? / KDI
한·중·일 인구구조의 변화와 저출산·고령화 대응 정책 비교 분석 / 보건사회연구원
Are Sanctions Part of the Problem? / 38 North
Asia’s Digital Revolution / IMF
China’s growth miracle in the context of Asian transformation / WIDER
Climate Change, Inequality, and Migration Towards OECD Countries / FERDI
Corporate Governance Case Studies in Vietnam / IFC
Emerging challenges and shifting paradigms: New perspectives on intl cooperation ... / CEPAL
FinTech in Sub-Saharan Africa: What Has Worked Well, and What Hasnt / NBER
Infrastructure and Industrialisation: Ensuring Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Africa / ERIA
Iran and the GCC: Hedging, Pragmatism and Opportunism / CH
Looking for the Bright Side of the China Syndrome: Rising Export Opportunities ... / CEPII
Kuznets beyond Kuznets: Structural Transformation and Income Inequality in the Era of
  Globalization in Asia / ADB
Nonstandard Forms of Employment in Developing Countries : A Study for a Set of Selected
  Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and Europe and Central Asia / World Bank
Russian Economy in 2017 : Trends and Outlooks / GIP
Six development paths in Southeast Asia : Three plus three / WIDER
Sufficient Statistics for the Cost of Climate Change / NBER
Tax Reform in the United States: Implications for the People’s Republic of China / ADB
The Economic Effects of Brexit - Evidence from the Stock Market / CEPR
近年における日本の対EU直接投資の特徴 / ITI
第4次メルケル政権の成立と新政権の欧州政策 / ITI
“一带一路”与印度尼西亚 / IWEP


신착 입수도서 안내 (2018. 9. 1 ~ 9. 15)
4차 산업혁명을 이끄는 디지털 트랜스포메이션 / 네크워크타임즈 데이터넷 편집부
웅크린 호랑이 : 중국은 어떻게 세계를 지배하려 하는가 / 피터 나바로 지음 ; 이은경 옮김
트럼프, 강한 미국을 꿈꾸다 / 도널드 트럼프 지음 ; 이은주, 도지영 옮김
한 권에 담은 동남아시아 역사 / 밀턴 오스븐 지음; 조흥국 책임 번역, 감수
Chinas Regions in an Era of Globalization / Tim Summers
21世纪海上丝绸之路港口发展报告 / 曾庆成
广东与海丝沿线国家服务经济合作发展研究 / 林吉双, 何传添
新战略、新愿景、新主张 : 建设21世纪海上丝绸之路战略研究 / 祝哲
“一带一路”区域经济治理研究 : 以福建省为例 / 冯碧梅
中国与"一带一路"沿线国家 经贸合作国别报告 / 张晓涛
海上丝绸之路调研报告 / 张明, 王永中
DIAMONDハーバード·ビジネス·レビュー 2017年6, 7, 8, 12月, 2018年 1月

주요경제 동향자료 E-mail서비스 관련 문의는 meg2919@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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